8 x 10 Picture of Our Lady With Sparkled Crown *

“Mary In Every Home”  is America Needs Fatima’s longest-running campaign.

To date, more than 10,000,000 pictures of Our Lady of Fatima have been distributed to American homes.

Now available to Canada Needs Our Lady Marian devotees.

Request your free copy today and display it in a prominent location in your home!

*This offer is available ONLY for Canadian residents.

We are a registered charity (No. 807291737RR0001).

Our tax receipt policy: We issue official tax receipts at the end of January to all donors whose total donations (received) during the preceding calendar year come to $30 or more.

Thank you for your kind a generous support. We pray daily for our benefactors and supporters.

Please see our fundraising disclosure/tax receipt policy for more information.

Informez-vous. Engagez-vous.

Je veux aider Le Canada a besoin de la Sainte Vierge à diffuser le message de Fatima. S’il-vous-plaît, inscrivez-moi à votre liste d’envoi.