Dear Child of Mary,
Unfortunately, the “Satanist Community of Thunder Bay” is attacking a traditional Nativity scene on display in Connaught Square in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
For 65 years, the Nativity scene has been set up by the Knights of Columbus. But now, according to CBC, the Satanists want to add their “own exhibit” and demand complete “religious neutrality.”
Like never before in History, we must defend the True, the Good and the Beautiful. We must indeed fight to keep Christ in Christmas.
Please urge the City Council of Thunder Bay not to cave in to Satanist demands.
Christmas is ONLY and exclusively about Christ.
God bless you!
Campaign Director
Contact information. Please be polite yet firm.
To: His Worship Bill Mauro
Mayor of the City of Thunder Bay, Ont.
Office: (807) 625-3600