
Brampton, ON Chinguacousy Park

It was so amazing my “Yes” to our Lord did not disappoint me. I trusted our Lord and said Yes to the call without going much into details. First week I told people about CanadaNeedsOurLady Rosary Rally by word of mouth. When I got my banner and the program materials I was so excited and began to find ways to advertise my Rally. I got in contact with the local municipality, our Church and also through emails.

5 families came together and we had an awesome time with our Lady. It was raining in the morning and when almost time to start our Rosary the cloud enveloped us. I prayed that the rain be delayed until later. Our Lady heard the prayer and sun came out and stayed until we finished our rosary.
It was a beautiful experience as this was my first time doing anything publically. I thank and praise God for this opportunity to meet new people I never knew before, and the grace he provided us
to together as a small community.

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