Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories

Hay River, NWT

Today starting out at 12 O`clock we held a rosary rally.  We did a public walk through the down town core while praying the Rosary. We started out at the Catholic church and proceeded on an eight  block walk through the down town core returning to the church grounds as the prayers reached their end.

This was the third year we have conducted what we refer to as a Rosary rally public walk. we will be continuing the October public Rosary with this type of public walk on a yearly bases for the foreseeable future. As vehicles passed us on the side of the street we were not using, some were giving us a thumbs up; it appears the drivers and their passengers accepted our presence and were not bothered by the little inconvenience we might have caused them.

Today we started with 14 people and 4 more joined as we passed through the down town.

2019 Rally Pictures Northwest Territories

Hay River, Northwest Territories

Today starting out at 12 O`clock we held a rosary rally. We do not do it the same way as it is done down south we do not go to a Public square stand there and pray the Rosary and accompanying prayers. We do a public walk through the down town core while praying the Rosary. We start out at the Catholic church and proceed on an eight walk through the down town core returning to the church grounds as the prayers reach there ending.

This was the third year we have conducted what we refer to as a Rosary rally public walk. we will continuing the October public Rosary with this type of public walk on a yearly bases for the foreseeable future. As vehicles passed us on the side of the street we were not using some occupants were giving us a thumbs up signal; it appears the drivers and their passengers accept our presence and are not bothered by the little inconvenience we cause them.

Today we started with 14 people and 4 more joined as we passed through the down town.

As you can see by the photos we had a nice clear sunny day it got all the way up to +11C.

Attached find 6 photos of our walk the caption under each photo indicates what part of the walk it represents plus the individuals name hat took the photo.

We never ripped the banner this year so we will have it for next year we will also be saving the guide pamphlet and extra payer leaflets that we had produced for distribution. We have these extra leaflets as the turn out was not as large as it has been the last few years.

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