Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories

Hay River, NWT

Today starting out at 12 O`clock we held a rosary rally.  We did a public walk through the down town core while praying the Rosary. We started out at the Catholic church and proceeded on an eight  block walk through the down town core returning to the church grounds as the prayers reached their end.

This was the third year we have conducted what we refer to as a Rosary rally public walk. we will be continuing the October public Rosary with this type of public walk on a yearly bases for the foreseeable future. As vehicles passed us on the side of the street we were not using, some were giving us a thumbs up; it appears the drivers and their passengers accepted our presence and were not bothered by the little inconvenience we might have caused them.

Today we started with 14 people and 4 more joined as we passed through the down town.

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