Ontario 2021

St. Agustin Canterbury Church/ Toronto

Our Rev. Fr. Salvador C.and the Renovación Charismatic Praying Group of St. Agustin Canterbury Church give to us their support by bringing the statute of Our Lady of Fatima and the speakers placed at the front of the Church. They played and singing the hymns to our Lady.
Thank you so much to Canada needs our Lady for the beautiful rosaries donated, there were delivery to every child and youth people presents. The Rosary was praying in 5 language: English, Espanish, Italian and Arabic at the end of every mystery, each participant placed one Rose ? to our Lady. (Mrs. Martha from Mexico donated 50 fresh Roses) making a unique spiritual experience of love to our Mather of God. Finally, Father Salvador make the consagration and letanies with his bless.
Eventhough, was raining all our brothers and sisters keep praying with a joyfulness until the end.

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