Holy Family Church, Toronto; Close Ave X King st. W


Good Morning, My name is Maria. The Rosary Crusade took place on Saturday October 12th, at noon at the corner of Close Ave and King St. West, by the statue of the Blessed Mother located outside of the Holy Family Church of Toronto, Ont.We gathered about 30 people and had two volunteers to hold the banner and another person to distribute the handouts.We followed the suggested Prayer Program and prayed the fifteen Mysteries (Joyful, Sorrows and Glorious) We took few pictures at the end of the program.  The Rally captain is in green jacket. You will find attached a list of names of the attendants. I collected some names. It was a nice spiritual experience for all of us who were present with no disturbances during the prayer, and we were blessed with good weather.  After the rain in the morning, it cleared up by noon, but it was windy reason for placing the banner against the wall of the building for protection. I am not signing for Rally Captain for 2020 at this time.  I will re-check it at the proper time. Thank you for making me  a part of this great Rosary Crusade.  May God continue blessing your work and sacrifices. In Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Maria Ziebert2019 Rally Captain