Saskatchewan Saskatchewan

St. Louis, SK, Town office, Veterans Memorial Corner, Church,

Saskatchewan Saskatchewan

Albertville, Sask

Saskatchewan Saskatchewan


Here it is from Regina, on a cold evening at -9 deg Celsius.

Saskatchewan Saskatchewan

Holy Rosary Cathedral on 13th Ave., Regina, SK

Here are our pictures from Regina, Sk in front of the Holy Rosary Cathedral on 13 th Avenue.

Saskatchewan Saskatchewan

Sidewalk at City hospital Saskatoon, SK

The Rally started promptly at 12 noon local time or a minute or 2 past the hour. It was attended by 5 persons – myself and my 2 teenage children, and 2 other adults, one of whom had attended my previous rallies. The weather was excellent, totally devoid of snows, which had marked previous rallies. This was the first time I held the rally at City hospital. The human traffic wasn’t as high as I expected, perhaps because it was a long weekend. The turnout was also not as impressive. I’m hopeful this will improve next year, God willing.

Donald Okonkwo

Saskatchewan Saskatchewan

Paradise Hill, SK

Well, where 2 or 3 are gathered, there is great power, so with me there were 3 of us! It’s a start ! Amen, Alleluia!!


Saskatoon Ave D & Spadina Crescent

It was well attended and everyone was very enthusiastic about it. There were three rosary captains from my parish so we joined forces in hosting it.
An interesting thought came to me as I was praying my rosary the day before the Rosary Ralley. It was an image from the Lord of the Rings trilogy when the sentinel fire is lit and you can see the the other sentinel fires dotting the mountain range signaling for help in battle. The image came with the words “Deep calls into Deep”… I looked up the words and it is from Psalm 42.

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