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We were a small group, but enthused.
We held it in front of the Church of Madre dei Christiani in Ville LaSalle. We were few in numbers but we were able to accomplish what was in the program. Thank you for choosing me to be a captain of this rosary rally.
It was cold, cloudy and it rained all night until just 1 hr before the prayers started. The rain stopped, the sun came out and the temperature warmed up. BLESSINGS
It was a very beautiful event and it did not rain; only wind I guess. It was a Blessing to be able to pray in public. The Holy Spirit was stirring things up.
Our Rally was held on the sidewalk on The East Mall and Vallaha-Inn Road, Etobicoke, Ontario. We prayed the rosary and the chaplet of Divine Mercy after we put the attached petitions across to Jesus through Our Mother. We also sang some Hymns. We did get the attention of many cars and some people that…
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Here’s a quick post I put on Facebook for my Brother Knights in regards to yesterday’s Street Rosary Rally in Mississauga. We were on the Southeast corner of Burnhamthorpe and Hurontario. The winds made it especially hard to set up anything. In fact, our first tent was taken down as it…
Today starting out at 12 O`clock we held a rosary rally. We did a public walk through the down town core while praying the Rosary. We started out at the Catholic church and proceeded on an eight block walk through the down town core returning to the church grounds as the prayers reached their end.…
The forcast was gloomy with light rain until 1pm. Around 11:30 am the sun started shining bright, perfect for the Rosary Rally. What a blessing miracle! My 2 1/2 yr.old grandson was the youngest attendee.
We had two priests to pray and bless us. Father Claude and Father Daas. We had approximately 30 people. Each year our number of prayerful followers are getting larger. Unfortunately, because of the pouring rain outside, we had to hold the Rosary Rally inside our local Theatre this year, on 50 Cunard Street in Miramichi,…
Public Square Rosary Rally Sacred Heart Cathedral Catholic Women’s League hosted its first ever Rosary Rally to coincide with the national campaign of Canada Need Our Lady to take back the public square. Though many were invited, few attended on the Saturday of the Thanksgiving Weekend. This day is chosen as it is nearest…
Our rally location was near the Rideau River Pathway on the edge of the street with cars passing by and pedestrians. We had a few cars pass by and honk as an encouraging expression. We were able to do the rosary rally in Spanish as our group was Hispanic. We hope to continue to promote…
I am sorry there’s only a few who attended the Rosary, by the entrance to the abortion clinic.
Public prayer is more powerful to appease God’s Anger
This rosary rally was made possible by Our Blessed Mother. Miraculously, the weather forecast was supposed to be rain, but it turned out to be a beautiful sunny day.
Thank you Lord for the favourable weather that we able to successfully conducted the Rosary @ Collingwood Park, Vancouver… Matthew 18:20 For where two or three gathered together in My Name, I am there in the midst of them.
It was a bright sunny noon and we started the Rosary with handful of people as there were so much activities going on at the parish, but later on we increased in no. about 50 of us. As this is our first time, we hope to do better next year for more people to join,…
The Bradford Public Square Rosary Crusade was attended by about 100 people. In the third photo, the organizer, Dom Duraes is the man wearing the brown hat and is standing to the right of Bradford Mayor Rob Keffer who said a prayer for all our leaders. I am pleased to say that the Hail Mary…
The grey skies soon cleared up to match our sunny disposition, when we made our private devotion a public spectacular!
People from at least 4 different parishes attended. About 15 of the faithful were Spanish speaking, so we did a bilingual Rosary, alternating decades in Spanish and English. We also had French-speaking Canadians present, so we sang Ave Maria in English, Spanish and then in French! Hail Mary!
Our Rosary Rally was held at our outdoor statue of Mary, right next to the Otonabee River in Lakefield. The statue was beautifully decorated with the Rosary Banner and beautiful flowers. It was a windy cold afternoon but we had 22 people who were dedicated and devoted to Mary and who braved the elements and…
There were only three of us. But it was very beautiful .. we chanted Marian chant (Gregorian Chant) as well.
It was looking like our group would be small but (at the stroke of 12 noon) others joined us. So we numbered 11 in total…9 from our parish of St Leonard (including our priest) plus 2 others. Not bad for a first effort ! It did begin to rain shower the moment we blessed ourselves…
It had been raining the previous days, but we were confident that the sun would shine on that day, and it did! When we started praying the rosary it was still cloudy then after awhile the Sun came out and shone brightly and kept us warm. It was my first rosary rally as team captain,…
We gather in Honour of Our Lady of Fatima asking for Her protection in our country, province, schools and wherever we are. Nous sommes une paroisse française et appréçions notre belle bannière de Notre Sainte Mère de Fatima. en participant à notre 3e rally le 12 octobre, 2019. À la prochaine, en plus grand nombre.…
Great Rosary Rally, much devotion shown to our Lady. Thank you all for assisting, it was a real blessing.
Good Morning, My name is Maria. The Rosary Crusade took place on Saturday October 12th, at noon at the corner of Close Ave and King St. West, by the statue of the Blessed Mother located outside of the Holy Family Church of Toronto, Ont.We gathered about 30 people and had two volunteers to hold…
Our Public Square Rosary was attended approximately by 40 people. At a Public Park on South Surrey, BC. And thank you for giving me the opportunity to pray the Rosary in public and to be a bold and proud Catholic. Just for your records I am an eighty one years old woman and I already…
It was our first public rosary rally and so thankful for this amazing opportunity praying the rosary and singing to Our Blessed Mother. The sound system helped a lot. It was a windy chilly day and while praying the sun shone brightly. It was a busy intersection and we saw passengers in cars driving by…
Please find attached few photos taken yesterday during the Rosary. We planned to do it outside but due to heavy snow and wind we did it inside the church after the opening prayers outside. (In Winnipeg the weather was very bad during the past couple of days). Thank you and God bless you all. Reji
Just to let you know that it was raining very hard all day. We held it in my home with 42 people in front of a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Fatima. It was too crouded and people in 3 different rooms so sorry, no pictures.
We were 12 persons praying in the rain and there was a Funeral ending at noon. Many people noticed us.
The Feast Of Our Lady Of Fatima 102th anniversary honored and commemorated through public Holy Rosary fruitful event at the Catholic Family of Parishes In Norfolk county ON at the St. Mary’s church Simcoe – on Saturday October 12th 2019 -this thanksgiving weekend October 2019!! This year’s Team Captain Elizabeth Christian Cruz O’Malley.(your humble Marian…
Sun broke through at 11:45. Lots of help for preparation.
The Rally was held by the Barry’s Bay, Combermere and Foymount areas/ Approximately 40 people showed up on a grey, showery day. The reason the gathering was so limited was caused in part by one of the parishes not publishing the event for 2 previous Sundays, as requested. The part-time secretary forgot to include the…
Our rally was supposed to be at a more visible location but we moved it in front of our church due to the worst weather condition here in Winnipeg. We have been experiencing the winter storm. A lot of trees fall on the road. Hence, we just have a few in attendance mostly from our…
Well it pored rain . Most of the morning., just as 12:00 approached the sun came out.. it was quite windy but we were fine.. we stood at the front our Church St. Bernadette’s in Ajax at the corner of Harwood and Bayly .. a very busy intersection.,I did not count the people but I…
Thank you for including us in Heisler We were 7 ladies praying today
Today starting out at 12 O`clock we held a rosary rally. We do not do it the same way as it is done down south we do not go to a Public square stand there and pray the Rosary and accompanying prayers. We do a public walk through the down town core while praying the…
For our first Public Square Rosary Rally, I was very pleased with the turnout of 23 people, including Fr. Luc. I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this, and for all my helpers.
Six of us met together to pray at the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church parking lot during the weekend on which an unprecedented snow storm pummelled the province of Manitoba.
35 adults and at least 12 kids, it was a beautiful sunny day and the event was very peaceful and lovely.
I wasn’t sure if it would only be my husband and myself for it rained all night and continued trough the morning, but in spite of the sometimes heavy rain, people trickled to join in prayer, 15 strong. Everyone was genuinely devout to Our Lady, more so now that our new Parish name is Our…
Here are our pictures from Regina, Sk in front of the Holy Rosary Cathedral on 13 th Avenue.
Hello there, We would like to thank you with all of our hearts for asking us to be a Rally Captain. We stood grounded and firm in our faith and we were happy to display this to the public. We felt so proud to do this. God bless you all for all that you do.…
Truly an Amazing Experience! Thank you for providing this opportunity to become a Rosary Captain. Those that attended were moved and very appreciative of being a part in honouring Our Blessed Mother. Our goal next year is to increase in numbers
We held our rally at St. Simon & St Jude Parish Church. It was advertised on our Parish bulletin, Facebook and within Knights of Columbus Councils in our area. As this was our first time hosting the rally, I was not sure what to expect or how many might turnout especially at noon on a…
The Rally started promptly at 12 noon local time or a minute or 2 past the hour. It was attended by 5 persons – myself and my 2 teenage children, and 2 other adults, one of whom had attended my previous rallies. The weather was excellent, totally devoid of snows, which had marked previous rallies.…
It was a beautiful day and wonderful experience. The joy of saying the Rosary and prayers together was a day that will not be forgotten.
It was a beautiful day. We prayed the rosary and sang hymns. It was a very joyous event!
It was chilly in the park but our prayer was a successful one. The park was busy but nobody interrupted us. One of the invited was asking how to become a rosary rally captain. We will do it again next year. Thanks GOD for empowering us with your HOLY SPIRIT.
Hello just a brief report about our rosary on Brown’s Line Etobicoke. !8 people came and we prayed. the photographer did not come so there are no pictures. If next year comes perhaps things will be better.
Praise the Lord. We held Rosary Rally at intersection 112 & 82 Avenue. Delta. Thank you. Sherly Mathew. Mini Chelat
Well, where 2 or 3 are gathered, there is great power, so with me there were 3 of us! It’s a start ! Amen, Alleluia!!
Organized by Hugo Ferrari. 15 participants at the Rosary Rally. To see videos go to..Donald Andre Bruneau, YouTube.
St. John Vianney church hold a Rosary Rally today with our three Holy Trinity church member’s in the cold rainy day…
16 adults and 4 children attended the Bond Head rally behind St Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church. We faced Hwy 27 for the first half of rally and then moved inside the church for the litanies and prayers.
Beautiful cold but sunny day, happy people praying peacefully and at the end more than one asking for the next time ❣ I find this campaign of the PUBLIC SQUARE ROSARY CRUSADE, my friend Dinorah and I organize here in Oakville, very important and right for our times. I am grateful that although we were…
I filled this out on my sheet which I mailed in. Thank you Our photo was not taken with our banner because we wanted everyone to be in it. We weren’t able to find someone to take it for us, so we did the ‘selfie’ thing, with the town notice for our event. Yay!
It was well attended and everyone was very enthusiastic about it. There were three rosary captains from my parish so we joined forces in hosting it. An interesting thought came to me as I was praying my rosary the day before the Rosary Ralley. It was an image from the Lord of the Rings trilogy…